
For a small team, we maintain a tremendous capability footprint. We put boots on the ground through a rapid deployment process taught by our military veterans. Our equipment is transported and positioned on short notice. We build and continue to refine custom equipment and sensors, enhancing our surveillance capabilities. Our science team is developing artificial intelligence-controlled hardware that tracks unknowns as they move across the sky.
Dr. Szydagis internally developed, for UAPx Inc., what we call C-TAP, or Custom Target Analysis Protocol – the only known motion detection algorithm capable of processing infrared video and isolating discrete objects crossing the field of view without triggering on mundane things such as clouds and shadows.
On our Catalina Expedition, we recorded atmospheric phenomena that none of us, or anyone else at this point, was previously familiar with. Within that phenomenon, our equipment detected the presence of multiple targets of interest. Dr. Knuth analyzes these and similar targets through a process he worked on at NASA Ames Research Lab - Super-Resolution Shape Analysis. In this process, machine-learning algorithms compare the shapes of known civilian and military aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles to the targets, giving us a probability score for matches.
One of the most unique capabilities UAPx brings to the field of UAP research is our ability to run isotopic analysis on any material. We can analyze components of downed adversarial drones, crashed foreign state satellites, or any recovered material from more exotic breakaway technologies to determine their manufacturing origin and composition.
Topping all of this off is the reputation of our science team – they are extremely well respected in the scientific and academic communities. They have over 200 published peer-reviewed papers in high-impact scientific journals.